
Welcome to your list of things you might want to do.

Welcome to the website

Welcome to The Lust List - the website for couples who want to revitalize and strengthen their intimate relationships using a simple yet powerful method. The Lust List is designed to help couples identify and communicate their wants and needs in the bedroom in an open and honest way.

Many couples find that their sex life becomes routine and lacks the excitement and passion that they had at the beginning of their relationship. But it's important to remember that sexual desire is a natural part of a healthy and fulfilling relationship and can be rediscovered and rebuilt.

The Lust List allows you and your partner to fill out a list of your individual desires and fantasies, which can then be shared and discussed with each other. By being open and honest about your desires and needs, you can begin to build a stronger connection and restore the intimacy that may have been lost.

We believe that every couple deserves a happy and amazing sex life, and it's our mission to help you achieve it.

So take the first step and fill out the Wish List today.

New "App" on the way...

We are currently working hard to create a so-called Web App.

It's not quite finished yet, but it's well on its way. So if you're up for it, feel free to try it out.

It has a New and improved way to view other people's lists on, and has become much easier to fill out the list on your phone!

When you've rated at least 20 desires, there is now an opportunity to let our AI analyzes your ratings, and create a "profile" for you.

If you are compares your list with someone else's, this part has also been improved and made much more manageable.
New filters and an AI analysis of your compatibility is one of the new things here.

Below you can read about the many different categories you will find on the Wish List. Click on them and get inspired online or fill out the list here:

Categories on the wish list

Before you get started

Here are some things that are good to have a common understanding of before you get started

Resources and support

Resources and support Organizations Danish Sexologist Association( Danish Sexologist Association works to ensure that everyone is recognized for their sexuality. We do this by

Read more "

About us

Behind Lystlisten are couples therapist and sexologist Michael Fray, Maria S. and intern Alexander F.

We've spent a long time putting the list together and we probably never consider the work finished.

It is our ambition to continue to add new "lusts" and describe existing ones. 
