Watch porn together. Talk about what kind.

Watching porn with your partner can be an exciting and arousing experience. It can help open up new possibilities and ideas when it comes to sex and foreplay. Porn can act as a kind of inspiration, giving you ideas for new positions, techniques and games to try out in bed.

It can also be a way to get to know each other's desires and fantasies better. Watching porn together can give you a better understanding of what turns your partner on and what things might not be so interesting to them. This can lead to more communication and openness in the relationship, which in turn can result in a more fulfilling sex life.

Watching porn together can also be a fun and relaxing way to spend time together. It can be a way to explore each other's sexuality and create a deeper connection in your relationship. It can also help break the ice if you feel a little shy or unsure about talking about sex.

However, it's important to remember that porn isn't always realistic and it's not a benchmark for how sex should be. As long as you communicate well and have mutual trust and respect, porn can be a fun and exciting way to explore your sexuality with your partner.
