ID: 09032025-67cdb25c06bf93.83714598
1. Foreplay and intimacy
Prerequisites / Comments
5 |
4 |
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2 |
1 |
Kiss - Kissing can be an incredibly intimate and romantic act that can bring two people closer together. From the gentle and soft kisses that lead to a ... | |
Hugging - Hugging as foreplay is a form of physical contact that can be incredibly intimate and reassuring at the same time. This can help build a sense of ... | |
Nusse - Cuddling or cuddling together can help create a sense of intimacy and closeness. When we share a cuddle or snuggle moment with another person... | |
Caress - Gentle touches and strokes are an important part of the sexual experience as they can increase intimacy and sexual arousal. These actions can be a... | |
Joint masturbation - Joint masturbation as foreplay can be a great way to explore your own and your partner's sexuality. When you watch each other masturbate, it can be ... | |
Erotic massage - Giving an erotic and sensual massage to your partner can be a great way to build intimacy and connection. Massages can help to... | |
Sensual dance or striptease - Dancing for your partner in a sensual way or performing a striptease can be a fun and exciting form of foreplay. Dancing and striptease can be ... | |
Gentle touch on erogenous zones - Stimulating the erogenous zones, such as the neck, ears, inner thighs, nipples with gentle touches can significantly increase sexual arousal. These areas about... | |
Oral nipple stimulation - The nipples are an erogenous zone for many people and stimulating them with your mouth can be very arousing. For both men and women, the nipples can be... | |
Dirty talk or sexually charged conversations - Dirty talk is a form of communication where you talk openly and honestly about your sexual fantasies, desires and actions. | |
Exchanging erotic messages or pictures (sexting) - Exchanging erotic messages or images, also known as sexting, is a practice that has gained popularity in modern times. It is a form of... | |
Shared shower or bath - Taking a shower or bath together can be an intimate experience where you and your partner can wash each other and explore each other's bodies. Buy eventually... | |
Handling and caressing genitals - Touching and caressing each other's genitals can be both sensual and sexually arousing. When two people touch and caress each other's genitals... | |
Fingering or hand stimulation of the vulva/vagina - This involves using fingers to stimulate the clitoris and/or insert into the vagina to create sexual pleasure. Clitoris The function of the clitoris... | |
Hand job or hand stimulation of the penis - Hand job or hand stimulation of the penis is a sexual activity where the hands are used to stimulate the penis and give the man sexual pleasure. It is ... | |
Dinner or dinner with an erotic undertone - A romantic dinner can be a beautiful and memorable experience that enhances the intimacy and attraction between two people. The right atmosphere ... | |
Sexual tension through looks and touches - Sexual tension is often built through eye contact, smiles and small gestures that send signals to the other person about your interest. Touching ... | |
Erotic reading or listening to sexual stories together - Erotic reading or listening to sexual stories together is an intimate and exciting way to explore your sexuality. By reading or listening to... | |
Watch porn together. Talk about what kind. - Watching porn with your partner can be an exciting and arousing experience. It can help open up new possibilities and ideas when ... | |
Using feathers, silk or other textures to tease the skin - Using different textures like feathers, silk or other soft materials can be an incredibly sensual and tantalizing experience. It can be a fantas... | |
Ice or hot wax to create contrasting sensations on the body - Are you looking for a way to enhance your body experience and intensify your senses? Then the use of contrast sensitivity could be just what you need. | |
Sexual games or challenges, such as Truth or Dare with erotic content - Many couples can find that sex can become routine and boring in the long run. Sexual games or challenges can help break this routine. | |
Sensory Mapping - Discover New Erogenous Zones - Sensory mapping is all about exploring your partner's body and discovering new areas of pleasure. By adding lube to your partner's... | |
2. Oral sex
Prerequisites / Comments
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3 |
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1 |
Fellatio / blowjob (oral stimulation of the penis) - Fellatio is a sexual practice where one person stimulates another's penis using their mouth and tongue. It can be part of foreplay or an act of f... | |
Cunnilingus (oral stimulation of the vulva/vagina) - Cunnilingus (oral stimulation of the vulva/vagina) Cunnilingus is a form of oral sex where one person stimulates another person's vulva (the external genitalia... | |
Anilingus (oral stimulation of the anus) - Anilingus (oral stimulation of the anus) Anilingus is a form of sexual stimulation where a person uses their mouth and tongue to stimulate the anus (... | |
Deepthroating - Deepthroating is about taking the entire penis into your mouth during oral sex. This technique requires good control of the gag reflex and the ability to relax the... | |
Lollipop technology - Lollipop technique refers to an oral sex technique where the person uses their tongue to explore their partner's genitals in a playful and tantalizing way... | |
Humming and vibrations - Hvis du har en interesse for “Humming og vibrationer” i forbindelse med sex, er lysten til at eksperimentere med denne form for stimulerin... | |
69 position - In the 69 position, both partners stimulate each other orally at the same time. One person lies on their back, while the other person lies with their head facing the other. | |
Kissing and licking the scrotum and testicles - Kissing and licking the scrotum and testicles can be a sensitive and titillating form of intimate action when with a partner. Many people enjoy ... | |
Frenulum stimulation - Frenulum-stimulering er en lyst, der kan give intense og nydelsesfulde oplevelser inden for seksuel aktivitet. Med fokus på denne følsomme del af kr... | |
Kissing and licking the inside of the thighs - Kissing and licking the inner thighs is a sensual act that can evoke intense pleasure and titillate the senses. This intimate act can increase tension... | |
Clitoral suction - Clitoral sucking is an erotic technique where the partner uses a sucking motion on the clitoris to stimulate and tease. This form of oral sex is ... | |
G-spot stimulation with the tongue - G-punkt stimulering med tungen er en seksuel lyst, der bringer nydelse og erotisk spænding. Ved at engagere sig i denne form for lyst fokuserer man p... | |
Teabagging - Placing the testicles in the mouth of a partner who then licks and sucks on them. It's a sexual practice that some people find stimulating and... | |
Irrumatio - Irrumatio - A New Dimension of Oral Pleasure Oral sex is often centered around the giver's control, where they control the rhythm, depth and intensity through the... | |
"The Joystick Method - Let Your Partner Take Control - Let Your Partner Lead. A big part of the sensual attraction of intimacy lies in letting go of control and letting your partner lead. By ti... | |
3. Intercourse positions
Prerequisites / Comments
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1 |
Missionary position - The missionary position is a sexual position where the woman lies on her back while the man lies on top of her with his legs spread. The name "missio... | |
Woman on top (cowgirl) - In this sex position, the woman is on top and in control. She sits on top of the man, facing him, while her knees are placed ... | |
Man on top from behind (doggy style) - Doggy style is a sex position where one partner stands on all fours with knees slightly bent and palms placed on the bed or floor. The ... | |
Spooning position (spooning) - The vagina position, also known as spooning, is an intimate position where two people lie close together like spoons in a drawer. One person lies on ... | |
Legs up (standing, lying or sitting) - In this sex position, both partners are in a position where their legs are raised up. This position can be performed either standing, lying down or sitting. .... | |
Reverse cowgirl - Reverse cowgirl is a sexual position where the woman turns her back to her partner and straddles him. This position allows for deep, deep... | |
Sitting face to face - Watching or wearing "Sitting face to face" during sex and intimate play can be an intimate and sensual position where the partners have direct access to... | |
Lotus - Wanting to see or wear "Lotus" during sex and intimate play is all about creating a visual and aesthetic experience in connection with the... | |
The bridge position - The bridge position is a sex position where the woman lies on her back with her legs spread while the man kneels in front of her. He places his hands under her... | |
Wedge position - I denne stilling vil den ene partner ligge på ryggen, mens den anden partner ligger oven på og lader kroppen glide ned mod den nederste partners. Fo... | |
Standing - The standing position is an intimate intercourse position where one or both partners stand up during the act. This position can add an extra dimension to the... | |
Recumbent doggy style - I stillingen “Liggende doggy style” har begge partnere mulighed for at opleve intens og dyb penetrering samtidig med at de nyder den intim... | |
Lying side-to-side - I denne stilling ligger begge partnere på siden med kroppene tæt sammen. Det intime og nære kropskontakt skaber en følelse af intimitet og nærhed... | |
The edge of the bed - Samleje helt ude på kanten af sengen. Typisk ligger kvinden på ryggen med underlivet ude ved kanten af sengen. Fordelene ved “Kanten af sengen... | |
Stolen - Læs om en af de mest intime og romantiske stillinger, som par kan indtage. Find ud af, hvordan denne position kan øge intimiteten og styrke b... | |
4. Anal sex
Prerequisites / Comments
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1 |
Missionary position (with anus penetration) - The missionary position with anus penetration is a variation of the classic missionary position, where the person in the receiving position lies on their back... | |
Woman on top (cowgirl, with anus penetration) - In the sex position "Woman on top (cowgirl, with anus penetration)" the woman sits on top and controls the pace and depth of penetration. ... | |
Man on top from behind (doggy style, with anus penetration) - In the sex position "Man on top from behind (doggy style, with anus penetration)", one partner is in a kneeling position behind the other... | |
Spooning (spooning, with penetration of the anus) - The spooning position, also known as spooning with anus penetration, is a sex position where two partners lie close together on their side with one partner... | |
Recumbent doggy style - Liggende doggy style er en seksuel position, hvor personerne er placeret liggende på maven, mens penetrationen sker bagfra. Denne stilling kan give b... | |
Legs up - At have sex med benene op indebærer en specifik stilling, hvor en partner løfter benet op eller placerer det på en højere overflade, mens den ande... | |
Reverse cowgirl (anal) - I denne position er modtageren vendt væk fra giveren og sidder på giverens skød, mens giveren har fuld kontrol over bevægelserne. Denne stilling k... | |
Face to face - Both partners sit up with their faces facing each other and legs wrapped around each other while the penetrating partner penetrates the receiving partner... | |
Standing - Stående stilling kan være en forfriskende måde at variere jeres seksuelle rutine på og skabe en ny intensitet i jeres intime øjeblikke sammen. N... | |
The edge of the bed - At udforske “Kanten af sengen” indebærer at nyde fornøjelsen og intensiteten ved analsex. Denne lyst handler om at gå ud over det tradi... | |
Inclined position - The receiving partner lies on their back with their legs spread, and the penetrating partner stands next to the bed and penetrates the receiving partner... | |
Lying spoon - Liggende ske er en intim og sensuel stilling, der ofte praktiseres under analsex. I denne stilling ligger en partner på siden med knæene trukket op ... | |
Finger in the buttocks - A finger in the butt can be both exciting and pleasurable for both women and men. In men, the prostate can be stimulated. Some men can feel ... | |
5. Sexual aids and toys
Prerequisites / Comments
5 |
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3 |
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1 |
Vibrators - A vibrator is a sexual toy that uses vibrations to stimulate the clitoris, vagina or other erogenous zones. It can be made of scientific... | |
Dildos - A dildo is a sex toy used for vaginal or anal penetration. It is usually shaped like an erect penis without testicles, and can be shaped ... | |
Anal toys (anal plugs, anal beads, etc.) - Anal toys are sex toys specifically designed to stimulate the anus and rectum. Anal plugs are small, cone-shaped pieces of sex toys that ... | |
Penis rings - Penisringe er et seksuelt legetøj, der er designet til at bæres omkring penis. De er typisk lavet af blødt og fleksibelt materiale, så de kan str... | |
Chest clamps - Nipple clamps are a sexual toy used to stimulate the nipples. The clips can be attached to the nipples and can be adjusted to provide a... | |
Clitoral vibrators - Clitoral vibrators are a popular sexual aid during intimate play that can increase pleasure and intensify orgasm for people with a clitoris. ... | |
Rabbit vibrators - Rabbit vibrators are a popular sex toy that can add extra stimulation and pleasure to sex and intimate play. This type of vibrator often has a tub... | |
Wall massager - Wand massager - Electric massager that can be used to stimulate erogenous zones, such as the clitoris and penis. A wand is an electric... | |
Prostate stimulators - Prostate stimulators are toys designed to stimulate the prostate in men through anal insertion. The prostate is also known as the P-spot and is considered... | |
Love balls / Kegel balls - Love balls / Kegel balls, also known as vaginal balls or pelvic floor balls, are a popular sexual aid that can be used during ... | |
Inflatable dildos - Inflatable dildos are a popular sexual aid that can add extra excitement and pleasure to sexual activities and play. These dildos... | |
Strap-ons - Strap-ons are a sexual aid that allows you to explore new forms of intimacy and pleasure in your sex life. By using a strap-on, you can ... | |
Penis sleeves - Penis sleeves are a popular sexual aid that can be used to add extra stimulation and pleasure during sex and intimate play. These “... | |
Cock and ball torture (CBT) toys - Cock and ball torture (CBT) fokuserer på stimulation og smerte i kønsdelene. Dette kan være en lyst for nogle personer, der nyder den intense føle... | |
Urethral sounds / Dilator - Urethral sounds are a type of sexual toy used during sex and intimate play. "Sounds are designed to be inserted into the urethra and... | |
Sex furniture - Sexmøbler kan være en spændende og sjov måde at udforske nye stillinger og højne nydelsen under sex. Disse specielle møbler er designet til at s... | |
Electro stimulation toys (E-stim) - Toys that use electric current to stimulate erogenous zones and muscles. Electrostimulation toys, also known as E-stim, are a type of sex toy... | |
Nipple aspirators - Nipple suckers are a popular accessory during sex and intimate play that can add extra stimulation and pleasure. These aids are designed to ... | |
Strokers or masturbators - A stroker or masturbator is a sexual toy designed to simulate a vagina, anus or mouth and is used to stimulate the penis during masturbation.... | |
Sex dolls - Lifelike dolls that simulate a human partner and can be used for sexual stimulation and fantasies. Sex dolls are lifelike dolls that are designed to... | |
Remote controlled vibrator / balls - Remote-controlled vibrator / balls A remote-controlled vibrator or remote-controlled balls is a sexual toy that is designed to provide external or internal stimulation. | |
7. Bondage and dominance/submission
Prerequisites / Comments
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Dominants - Dominance refers to the exercise of control and power over another person, usually in a sexual or romantic relationship. The dominant partner can ... | |
Submission (Submission) - Submission is the voluntary surrender of control and power to another person, usually in a sexual or romantic relationship. The submissive pa... | |
Handcuffs - Handcuffs are lockable metal rings used to fasten a person's wrists together. They can be used in bondage and domination/submission scenarios... | |
Rope - Rope is a popular tool for bondage and can be used to bind a partner's limbs or body in different positions and configurations. Ropes can ... | |
Blindfold - A blindfold is a garment that covers a person's eyes so they cannot see. Blindfolds are used in dominance and submission to increase... | |
Gags - Gags are objects that are placed in or over a person's mouth to limit their ability to speak or make noise. They can be used in dominance and und... | |
Spanking - Spanking is a form of corporal punishment where a person strikes another person's buttocks with their open hand or a tool like a paddle, flogger... | |
Handcuffs and cuffs - Handcuffs and cuffs are tools commonly used in bondage and dominance/submission. These devices can be used to bind a... | |
Spreader bars - Spreader bars are a popular tool in BDSM and bondage used to restrict a person's freedom of movement by holding their legs or arms. | |
Blindfolds - Using blindfolds to deprive a partner of their sight and heighten other senses. When using blindfolds during intimate activities, it can create... | |
Sensory deprivation - Restricting one or more of a partner's senses to increase focus on other sensations and feelings of submission. One way to limit a ... | |
Clamps and clamps - Using clamps, clothespins or clips to apply pressure and stimulate nipples, genitals or other sensitive areas. Using clamps... | |
Whipping - Paddles, floggers or whips to provide pain and stimulation to different parts of the body. Paddles, floggers or whips are tools that are used to... | |
Dominance and submission role play - Exploring power dynamics through role-play, such as teacher/student, boss/employee or owner/pet. It provides a unique opportunity to dive into the ... | |
Service and humiliation - Performing tasks or submitting to humiliation to please the dominant partner, such as crawling, serving, or verbal humiliation. Performing ... | |
Chastity devices (Chastity belt/cage) - Using lockable belts or cages to control a partner's sexual access and pleasure. Using lockable belts or cages to control a partner's sexual... | |
Collaring and ownership - Using collars and symbols to represent a partnership and engagement in a power exchange relationship. Collaring in the BDSM community is about... | |
Pet play - Role-play as animals, such as dogs, cats or horses, to explore power dynamics and instinctive behavioral patterns. Role-playing as animals is a fun and sp... | |
Breath play - Controlling a partner's breathing through techniques such as choking, face coverings or breath control hoods. Control over a partner's breath... | |
Medical play - Role-play and explore medical scenarios, such as doctor/patient, using instruments such as speculum, needles and enemas. Role-playing in the field of med... | |
Fork stick - A gag is a form of BDSM equipment used to restrict a person's movement by locking their head and hands in a wooden frame. This can ... | |
Strapped to a cross - This refers to a form of bondage where a person is tied to a cross (often an Andreas cross), with arms outstretched and legs spread. This can ... | |
Edging - Edging is a sexual practice in which a person is brought close to orgasm, but the orgasm is repeatedly prevented or delayed. This can be an edging... | |
Milking - Milking refers to a sexual practice in which a person (often a man) is stimulated to ejaculate for the purpose of extracting semen or prostate... | |
Forced orgasm - A forced orgasm is an orgasm that is achieved through intense and persistent sexual stimulation, even when the person may not want to orgasm. This can ... | |
Lend each other - Lend each other - In a swinger or sex club or by dogging, for example, want to lend / "rent out" the other or each other... | |
Saliva - Spitting as humiliation - Many who enjoy dominance and submission also use saliva to humiliate each other. Spitting on others can be a humiliating... | |
Ruined Orgasm / Ødelagt orgasme - Ruined Orgasm A "ruined orgasm" or "ruined orgasm" refers to a sexual experience where the climax... | |
8. Kinks and fetishes
Prerequisites / Comments
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2 |
1 |
Foot fetish - Foot fetish - Kissing, licking or massaging feet and toes. A foot fetish, also known as podophilia, is a sexual interest in which a person experiences a... | |
Latex and leather - Latex and leather refers to a sexual preference for using materials like latex and leather during intimate activities. Many people ... | |
Voyeurism - Voyeurism refers to the desire to observe other people engaging in intimate activities without being seen themselves. Individuals who enjoy this f... | |
Exhibitionism - Ekshibitionisme er en lyst, der falder ind under kategorien “8. Kinks og Feticher” på LystListen.dk. Personer med ekshibitionisme oplever... | |
Age play - Lysten til “Age play” refererer til seksuel leg eller fantasi, hvor en eller flere parter indtager roller med en markant aldersforskel, s... | |
Cross-dressing - Dressing up in clothes traditionally associated with the opposite sex as part of a sexual role play or for personal gratification. | |
Urophilia (Golden showers) - Urophilia, often referred to as "golden showers," is a sexual fetish in which a person achieves arousal by involving urine in sexual activities. | |
Pet play - A role-playing game where one or more participants assume the role of an animal, such as a dog, cat or horse, and interact with their partner in a way that ... | |
Clothing fetish - Clothing fetish refers to a preference for being sexually stimulated by certain types of clothing or garments. This can include... | |
Tickling - Tickling involves stimulating someone's body, typically with light touches, to evoke ticklish and fun feelings on the person. Some people... | |
Pegging - Pegging is a sexual practice where a person penetrates their partner's anus with a strap-on dildo. This can offer a new dimension of sexual pleasure... | |
Trampling - "Trampling" refers to a kink or fetish where a person enjoys being stepped on, either by bare feet or with shoes on. This k... | |
Stearin - Playing with candles and melted candles can be part of sensation play. It involves dripping melted candle wax from a candle onto your partner... | |
Fire - Fire play is a form of sensation play that involves the use of fire on or near the skin to create a sense of heat and danger. This can include a... | |
Needles - Needle play is a form of BDSM practice that involves inserting sterile needles through the skin to create a sensation of pain and endorphin release.... | |
Getting wet - This can refer to various sexual activities that involve getting wet or getting your partner wet. This can include the use of water, s... | |
Consensual Non-Consent (CNC) - Also known as rape fantasies. Where one wants (and consents to) being subjected to forced scenarios, such as a fake rape. The... | |
Peeing in your pants - Peeing your pants as a kink or fetish Peeing your pants as a kink or fetish falls under the category of paraphilias, where individuals... | |
9. Sexual role-playing games
Prerequisites / Comments
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3 |
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1 |
Teacher/student - A role-play where one person assumes the role of an authoritative teacher and the other person plays the role of an innocent or disobedient student. This sec... | |
Police officer/prisoner - I dette scenarie antager den ene part rollen som autoritær politibetjent, mens den anden part påtager sig rollen som fange. Gennem legen med magt og... | |
Doctor play / Doctor / Nurse / Patient - A naughty role-play where one person plays the role of a doctor or nurse and the other person is a patient who requires an intimate examination. | |
Manager/secretary or employee - Chef/sekretær eller medarbejder er en lyst, der falder ind under kategorien “Seksuelle rollespil”. Denne lyst handler om at udforske dyna... | |
Maid/owner - The desire to participate in a sexual role-play as "Maid/Owner" involves an erotic fantasy where a person takes on the role of a maid. | |
Caregiver/householder - Lysten til at have sex på eller være med til rollespillet “Forsørger/husperson” hører under kategorien “Seksuelle rollespil̶... | |
Robber/victims - Lysten til at deltage i seksuelt rollespil som “Røver/ofre” hører under kategorien “Seksuelle rollespil” på LystListen.dk. ... | |
Superheroes/villains - “Lysten til at deltage i seksuelle rollespil som superhelte og skurke falder ind under kategorien ‘Seksuelle rollespil’. Denne lyst ... | |
Celebrity/fan - “Lysten til at have sex som en berømthed eller fan involverer seksuelle rollespil, hvor en person indtager rollen enten som en kendt berømthed... | |
Knight/princess - Denne lyst involverer at påtage sig roller som en modig ridder eller en fortryllende prinsesse under sexakten. Mange mennesker finder glæde i at udf... | |
Vampire/human - A role-playing game where one person is a mysterious and dangerous vampire and the other person is a human who is attracted to or trapped by the vampire. The se... | |
Animal figures (Pet play) - A role-playing game where one person plays the role of an animal, such as a dog, cat or horse, and the other person is the owner or trainer. It is a form ... | |
Parent/child play - A role-playing game where one party plays the role of a mother or father to a son or daughter can be a form of fetish or fantasy, which some people find ... | |
Place-parent / place-child play - A sexual role-play where one party plays the role of a stepmother or stepfather to a stepson or stepdaughter. A sexual role-play with a stepparent. | |
10. Group sex and non-monogamous activities
Prerequisites / Comments
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Triangle (Threesomes) - Threesome, also known as Ménage à trois, refers to a sexual activity where three people are involved simultaneously. It can take place in many forms... | |
Square - Lysten til at deltage i en firkant refererer til en seksuel aktivitet, hvor fire personer er involveret samtidig. Dette kan foregå på forskellige m... | |
Orgy - Lysten til at have det sjovt med flere partnere At deltage i et orgie handler om at have sex med flere partnere på én gang og udforske nydelsen ved ... | |
Swinging - Ønsket om at deltage i swinging refererer til interessen for at deltage i seksuelle aktiviteter med flere partnere samtidig. Swinging kan foregå på... | |
Partner swap - Partner swapping involves couples engaging in sexual activities with other couples where the partners swap partners temporarily. This form of non-m... | |
Gangbang - Gangbang er en lyst, der involverer en person, typisk en kvinde, som har sex med flere partnere på én gang. Denne lyst handler om at nyde den seksue... | |
Cuckolding - A sexual fetish in which a person becomes sexually aroused by watching their partner have sex with another person, often with elements of humiliation and submission. | |
Hotwifing - A variant of cuckolding where a man is turned on by the idea of his wife or partner having sex with other men, but without necessarily involving... | |
Polyamory - At omfavne kærlighed og intimitet i flere forhold Polyamory er en lyst, der indebærer at være åben for at have flere kærlighedsforhold samtidig. ... | |
Open relationships - Romantic relationships where the parties are authorized to engage in sexual activities with other persons outside of the relationship with their partner... | |
Grouponani - Fræk og forførende gruppeonani Gruppeonani er en lystfyldt aktivitet, hvor flere personer mødes for at onanere sammen. Det handler om at dele intim... | |
Double penetration - Double penetration refererer til en seksuel praksis, hvor en person bliver penetreret samtidigt af to partnere. Dette kan foregå oralt, analt eller v... | |
Group sex - Sexual activities that involve multiple people simultaneously. This can include a variety of different sexual acts and combinations of partners. | |
Partner sharing - A practice in which individuals in a couple or group allow their partner(s) to engage sexually with others outside of their primary relationship. This... | |
Voyeurism - Sexual arousal from observing other people engaging in sexual activities. This can occur in situations such as swingers clubs, where... | |
Exhibitionism - Sexual arousal from being seen by others while engaging in sexual activities. This can include having sex in front of other people, masturbating ... | |
With someone else of the same gender - Sexual activities involving one person and another person of the same sex. This can include anything from kissing and caressing to oral sex, anal sex and anal sex. | |
With someone of the opposite sex - Sexual activities involving one person and another person of the opposite sex. This can include anything from kissing and caressing to oral sex, vagina... | |
Dogging - Dogging - Having sex in the open with others (agreed place, already created place) Dogging is a form of sexual practice where people meet in open spaces... | |
20. contraception
Prerequisites / Comments
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Birth control pills - Hormone-based contraceptives that are taken daily and prevent ovulation, making it harder for sperm to reach the egg. Birth control pills are available ... | |
P-patch - A hormone-based contraceptive that releases hormones through the skin. The patch is changed weekly and works in the same way as birth control pills by ... | |
Vaginal ring - Et hormonbaseret præventionsmiddel, der indsættes i skeden og frigiver hormoner, der forhindrer ægløsning. Vaginalringen skiftes månedligt og kr... | |
Mini pills - Progestin-based contraceptive pills are an alternative to the combined pill and can be a good choice for women who cannot take estrogen. | |
IUD (IUD) - IUD - A small, T-shaped contraceptive that is inserted into the uterus by a doctor. There are two types of IUD (IUD - Intra Uterine Dev... | |
Contraceptive injection - An injection containing progestin given by a doctor every three months. It prevents ovulation and makes it harder for sperm to reach the egg. | |
Contraceptive rod (Implant) - A small, flexible implant that is inserted under the skin of the upper arm by a doctor. The implant releases progestin and prevents ovulation. | |
Emergency contraception (morning-after pill) - A pill taken after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. It is most effective when taken as soon as possible after intercourse and can be... | |
Sterilization - A permanent method of contraception involving a surgical procedure to block or seal the fallopian tubes in women (tubal ligation) or a surgical... | |
Contraceptive films, foams and gels - Spermicides used in the vagina before intercourse to kill sperm and prevent pregnancy. These products are often less effective than... | |
Lick tabs (Dental / Oral Dams) - A thin piece of plastic or latex about the size of an A4 sheet. Protects against STIs during oral sex. The licking patch is placed over the genitals ... | |
Mini spiral - A small plastic object that is inserted into the uterus. Works locally by releasing a hormone directly into the uterus. The mini-coil releases less hormone... | |
Diaphragm - Describe Pessary as a contraceptive Pessary is a contraceptive used by women to prevent pregnancy. It is a small, flexible... | |
Condom - Condoms as birth control A condom is a form of birth control used to prevent pregnancy and protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). | |
12. Words
Prerequisites / Comments
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Skat - Being called or calling another person "Honey" is an affectionate gesture that is often used in close relationships as a nickname or greeting. | |
Baby - Being called or calling someone "Baby" is a desire that is about expressing tenderness, intimacy and care. This nickname creates ... | |
Love - "Some people appreciate being called or calling another person 'lover'. This nickname can create a sense of inti... | |
Beautiful - Being called "Beautiful" or using this nickname to describe another person can be a flattering gesture that expresses admiration... | |
Hottie - Being called or calling someone "Hottie" is about expressing admiration and attraction in a passionate and flirty way. ... | |
Delicious - Being called or calling someone "Gorgeous" implies a recognition and admiration of a person's appearance or charisma. When we ... | |
God/goddess - Being called or calling someone else "God" or "Goddess" can evoke a sense of awe, power and respect. Perhaps you wish ... | |
Sexy - Being called or calling someone "Sexy" can evoke feelings of affirmation and attraction. This term is often used to express ... | |
Sensual - Being called or calling someone else "Sensual" implies a description of a certain emotional, sensual and physical presence... | |
Seductive - "Being called or calling someone 'Seductive' is about evoking a sensual and appealing sense of mystery and charm.... | |
Charming - Being called or calling someone "Charming" implies recognizing and appreciating a person's ability to exude a special charm. | |
Bitch - Being called or calling someone a "Bitch" is an expressive act that can carry different meanings depending on the situation. | |
Slut - Being called or calling someone else "Slut" is a desire that can stem from a desire to explore dominance, submission, and the desire to be... | |
Slave woman - Being called, or calling someone else, "Slave" is a desire that is about exploring roles and power dynamics in a sexual relationship. D... | |
Doll - At blive kaldt eller kalde en anden for “Dukke” kan vække forskellige følelser og associationer hos forskellige personer. Nogle synes m... | |
Slut - The desire to be called or call someone a "Slut" can arise in various social interactions or in more intimate settings... | |
Naughty - Being called or calling someone "Naughty" can evoke a sense of flirtation and playfulness. The term "Naughty" implies... | |
Pigs - Being called or calling someone a "Pig" often implies a form of provocation or frustration. This term can be used in anger ... | |
The beast - Being called or calling someone "The Animal" is about exploring the animal and wild sides of our identity. This nickname can be ... | |
Pervert - Being called or calling someone "Pervert" implies an interest in exploring boundaries and taboos in sexual conversation. Some ... | |
Taber - This desire is about a form of verbal domination or humiliation, where the word "loser" is used to belittle or mark superiority... | |
Stodder - The desire to be called or to call someone else "Stodder" can evoke different feelings and associations. The word "Stodder... | |
13. Clothes
Prerequisites / Comments
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Underwear - Using sexy lingerie, panties, G-strings, boxers, jockstraps, bras, etc. to make sex hotter Using sexy lingerie and underwear to make sex hotter | |
Socks and garters - Wanting to see or wear stockings and garters during sex and intimate play can add an extra dimension of sensuality and elegance... | |
Babydoll - Babydoll is a stylish and feminine lingerie type that is popular in sex and intimate play. Having the desire to see or be wearing a babydoll during... | |
Corsets and bustiers - Corsets and bustiers are garments often associated with sexy and seductive lingerie. The tight and shaping properties allow you to... | |
Bodystockings - Bodystockings refer to a type of garment that covers the body from the shoulders down to the hips or feet. These tight-fitting suits are found ... | |
Catsuits - Catsuits er en type kropsnært tøj lavet af materialer såsom latex, læder eller spandex, der strammer om kroppen og ofte dækker det meste af den. ... | |
Uniforms - Lysten til uniformer handler om en fascinerende tiltrækning til at iføre sig specifikke beklædningsgenstande, der ofte associeres med autoritet, id... | |
Cosplay - At inkorporere cosplay i sex og intimleg handler om at lege med fantasier og roller gennem forskellige kostumer og karakterer. Med cosplay kan man tr... | |
Leather and latex - Denne lyst handler om ønsket om at påføre sig læder og latex tøj under seksuelle aktiviteter. Mennesker, der har denne lyst, nyder ofte den særl... | |
Dresses and skirts - Denne lyst handler om den seksuelle tænding eller ophidselse, der opstår i forbindelse med at have sex iført kjoler og nederdele. For nogle mennesk... | |
Role-playing clothes - Clothing and accessories designed for specific role-play scenarios, such as teacher/student, knight/princess, vampire/human, etc. (See also Role-play) | |
Workwear - Workwear refers to a desire where either you or your partner finds pleasure in having sex or performing intimate play while wearing work clothes. This can be ... | |
Jeans - Cowboy pants or jeans are more and more often associated with something sexual. Should they be tight, loose or somewhere in between? Jeans have gen... | |
Yoga / training pants - Yoga/workout pants can be a sexy and comfortable choice for sex and intimate play. These pants are often tight and stretchy, which can accentuate the cr... | |
19. General
Prerequisites / Comments
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Being in control / in charge during sex - Being in control during sex can be a source of great pleasure for some people. It can give a sense of power, dominance and confidence, which ... | |
Letting go and not being in control during sex - Letting go and not having to be in control during sex refers to achieving a state of trust, vulnerability and surrender in intimate moments. Now... | |
Decision making - To find out who makes decisions about sexual activities and how decisions are made. To investigate who makes decisions about... | |
Initiative - Taking initiative and suggesting new ideas or activities to your partners. When you take initiative and suggest new ideas or activities to your... | |
Communication - Communication is about exchanging information, feelings and needs with another person. When you communicate openly and honestly, you can create a trust... | |
Consent - The desire to have sex on/in "Consent" is about feeling and respecting the mutual acceptance between the parties involved. When consent... | |
Peace of mind - Safety is about feeling protected, valued and secure. It's a desire that can arise when we feel safe in our relationships... | |
Trust & Confidence - Trust in lust is about trusting your partner and the relationship you are in. Trust is about feeling safe, respected and valued. | |
Intimacy - Intimacy is about the deep emotional and physical connection between two people. It can be sharing yourself on a deeper level, sharing... | |
Control - Control is about taking charge or ceding control to your partner during an erotic experience. For some, it can be arousing to be in control... | |
Sexual health - Sexual health refers to a person's physical, mental and emotional wellbeing in relation to their sexuality. This includes having... | |
Aftercare - Taking care of each other after sexual activities, both physically and emotionally, to ensure everyone feels valued and safe. | |
Feedback and reflection - Sharing thoughts and feelings about sexual experiences and using this feedback to improve and develop relationships and sexual life. | |
Boundaries - Boundaries refer to the personal or physical limits that individuals set in their interactions and relationships with others. This can include... | |
14. Places
Prerequisites / Comments
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
The bedroom - The desire to have sex on or in the bedroom is one of the most common and natural sexual fantasies that many people have. The bedroom... | |
Living room - The living room is one of the most common places for intimate and erotic moments. With its comfortable and relaxed environment, the living room offers a cozy and... | |
The basement - The basement is a popular place for many couples to explore their sexuality and create a little extra excitement in the bedroom. The desire to have sex on ... | |
The kitchen - The desire to have sex on or in the kitchen is a fairly common and popular fantasy for many. The kitchen is a space that is often associated with inti... | |
The bathroom - The desire to have sex in or around the bathroom is a common fantasy for many couples. The bathroom can be a naughty and tantalizing place to explore... | |
The shower cubicle/bathtub - The desire to have sex in the shower or bathtub can awaken a burning passion and intensity in intimate moments. The wet and smooth surface ... | |
The dining table - The desire to have sex on or in the dining table is one of the more adventurous and tantalizing desires that can arise between two people. The dining table, which... | |
The office/study - The desire to have sex in or around the office or workspace can awaken an exciting and tantalizing sense of forbidden fertility. This place, the ... | |
Stairs - The desire to have sex on or in the "Stairs" can awaken a budding sensuality for many people. This slightly unconventional location for ... | |
The laundry room - The desire to have sex on or in the washroom can be a tantalizing and exciting fantasy for many. The laundry room, a place usually associated with ... | |
Balconies/terraces - The desire to have sex on or on a balcony/terrace is an exciting and tantalizing fantasy for many couples. Combining intimacy with fresh air and a... | |
The swimming pool/hot tub - The desire to have sex in a swimming pool or hot tub can be a naughty and tantalizing fantasy for many. This desire often arises because of the sensuality ... | |
In the car - The desire to have sex in the car is a popular and exciting fantasy for many people. The intimate and slightly forbidden atmosphere of a car can arouse a... | |
In a boat - "In a boat" is a desire that evokes thoughts of adventure and passion on the high seas. This particular lust is about having sex on board ... | |
On the beach - Sex on the beach In a literal sense, it can refer to having intercourse on a beach. This is often romanticized in movies and books, but in ... | |
I have - The desire to have sex in the garden awakens a tantalizing and adventurous mood. The garden, with its lush plants, blooming flowers and crackling paths,... | |
In the forest - The desire to have sex in the woods can awaken a deep connection to nature and the primal erotic. The dense trees of the forest and the sound of rustling leaves... | |
In a park - The desire to have sex in a park can be arousing and adventurous. With the sounds of nature all around you and the fresh air, it can feel... | |
On a mountain top - On a mountaintop, the desire to have sex in a magnificent and scenic place high above the surroundings. This desire often arises in fantasies of... | |
In a tent/outdoor camping - The desire to have sex on or in a tent during an outdoor camping trip can be filled with excitement, intimacy and adventure. Finding a secluded ... | |
In a cabin - The desire to have sex in a cabin may bring back memories of romantic weekend getaways or adventurous stays far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. ... | |
In a hotel room - The desire to have sex in a hotel room is a well-known and popular fantasy for many couples. A hotel room offers an opportunity to get away... | |
In a changing room - The desire to have sex in a locker room can evoke an intense feeling of excitement and forbidden pleasure. The thought of being close to other people... | |
In a public toilet - The desire to have sex in a public restroom can evoke a tantalizing feeling of excitement and forbidden fruit. This kind of intimacy can feel ex... | |
At a rest stop - The desire to have sex at the rest stop often arises because of the thrill and forbiddenness of having an erotic experience in a public place.... | |
In a movie theater - The desire to have sex in a movie theater can be titillating and exciting for some people. Imagine being surrounded by darkness while the movie is playing... | |
In an elevator - Lysten til at have sex i en elevator er en fantasifuld og pirrende tanke for mange. Idéen om at være fanget i et lukket rum, skaber en intens og sp... | |
6. Sensual and Spiritual
Prerequisites / Comments
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Sensual massage - A deep, slow and loving touch that focuses on the whole body and erogenous zones to create intimacy and pleasure. An in-depth, lan... | |
Tantra - Tantra er en gammel praksis med rødder i østlige traditioner, der fokuserer på at skabe forbindelse mellem krop, sind og sjæl gennem sensuelle opl... | |
Yoni and lingam massage - An intimate and healing form of massage that focuses on releasing blockages and increasing sexual energy in both female and male genitals. Yo... | |
Eye gazing - Eye gazing er en sensuel og spirituel lyst, der involverer intense øjenkontakter mellem to personer. Ved at fokusere på hinandens øjne under denne ... | |
Breathing exercises - Denne lyst indebærer en fascinerende kombination af sensuel nydelse og åndelig fordybelse gennem fokus på vejrtrækningen under intime stunder. Vej... | |
Kundalini yoga - Kundalini yoga er en form for yoga, der fokuserer på at frigøre den indre energi, kaldet Kundalini, gennem en kombination af åndedrætsøvelser, dy... | |
Meditation and mindfulness - Denne lyst beskriver ønsket om at integrere meditation og mindfulness i ens seksuelle oplevelser og forbindelser. At praktisere meditation og mindful... | |
Chakra work - Chakra work involves working with the energy centers in the body, also known as chakras, to achieve balance and wellness both physically and emotionally... | |
Love ceremonies - Creating rituals and ceremonies to celebrate and honor the love and connection between partners. Love ceremonies are a beautiful and meaningful way... | |
Energy exchange - Using intention and touch to exchange energy, emotions, etc. | |
Slow sex - Focusing on slow, conscious and present sexual activity that aims to create deeper intimacy and connection. | |
Body affirmations - "Body Affirmations" is about using intimacy to strengthen the connection between partners and create a deeper understanding of each other... | |
11. Food
Prerequisites / Comments
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Edible underwear - Edible underwear refers to a form of erotic accessory made from edible materials, such as candy or chocolate, which is designed to be worn by... | |
Edible body paints - Edible body paints are a fun and sensual way to explore pleasure and intimacy. By using edible products to paint on each other's ... | |
Foods with aphrodisiac effect - The desire to have sex with a partner while exploring aphrodisiac foods can create a sensual and seductive experience. Aphrodisiacs ... | |
Body sushi (Nyotaimori) - Body sushi, also known as Nyotaimori, is an erotic and sensual dining experience where a person acts as a serving platter and gets covered in sushi... | |
Temperature control - Involverer brug af varme og kulde under seksuelle aktiviteter for at øge ophidselsen og intensivere nydelsen. Dette kan inkludere alt fra at bruge is... | |
Shared dining - Delt spisning er en lyst, der handler om at nyde mad i sammen med sin partner. Gerne fra den samme tallerken. Det kan skabe en hyggelig og intim atmos... | |
Food and oral sex - Using food as part of oral sex, such as spreading honey, whipped cream or chocolate sauce on your partner's genitals (remember to use a dental dam... | |
Food binding and blind tasting - Food blindfolding and blind tasting is a fun and interactive way to explore and enjoy different flavors with your partner. By blindfolding... | |
15. other
Prerequisites / Comments
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Erotic literature and media - Erotisk litteratur og medier kan være en kilde til sensuel nydelse og pirrende fornøjelse for mange. Gennem tekster, billeder eller film kan man til... | |
Writing naughty stories - At skrive frække historier handler om at udforske fantasien og skabe en erotisk verden gennem ord. Denne lyst kan vække en spirende kreativitet og g... | |
Sexual education and learning - Seksuel uddannelse og læring handler om ønsket om at udvide sin viden og forståelse inden for seksualitet og intime forhold. Det kan være en lyst ... | |
Sensation play - Sexual activities that focus on sensory experiences can add an extra dimension to intimacy and arousal by stimulating different senses. | |
Fantasies - At have fantasier er en naturlig del af vores seksualitet og kan bidrage til vores sexliv på forskellige måder. Fantasier kan fylde vores tanker med... | |
Squirting orgasm / Squrting - Squirting Orgasm / Squrting Squirting orgasm, often referred to as "squirting," is a phenomenon that occurs in some women during sexual experience. | |
Permission Play - Consent has become fashionable. Permission Play is a new form of play that invites you to explore desires, fantasies and boundaries in a safe and playful ... | |
Continuing after orgasm - Continuing sex after orgasm is said to be one of the biggest kinks in 2024. It can be a different experience for different people and can ... | |
Sex while playing video games - One of today's big trends is to engage in various forms of sexual activity while playing video games. Masturbation, oral sex and pen... | |
Getting aroused with oral sex - Getting aroused with oral sex is an intimate experience has also become a big kink. I wonder if it's also a lot cooler than the alarm on your cell phone. ... | |
Training together naked - Working out together naked is a relatively unconventional choice, but for some couples it can have certain benefits - emotionally, psychologically and re... | |
Accuracy - Intimacy without the Quest for Climax Karezza is an intimate practice that shifts the focus from orgasm to intimacy, connection and loving touch. The word ... | |
16. How I know when the sex is over
Prerequisites / Comments
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Triggering - Ejaculation refers to the physical reaction where the body releases semen or fluid during sexual activity. This usually happens at orgasm, ... | |
Orgasm - Orgasm is often the peak of sexual pleasure and enjoyment during intercourse or sexual activity. It typically happens when the body's sexual tension... | |
Fatigue - When one or both partners feel tired or exhausted, it could be a sign that it's time to stop. | |
Agreement on termination - Some couples may have a prior agreement on when sex should stop, for example after a certain amount of time or number of orgasms. | |
Lack of arousal - If one or both partners no longer feel sexually aroused, it could be a sign that it's time to call it quits. | |
Pain or discomfort - If one or both partners experience pain or discomfort, sex should be stopped to ensure that both partners feel safe and comfortable. | |
Emotional attachment - Some couples may want to end sex when they feel they have achieved a sufficient emotional connection. | |
Communication - Communication during sex is about the ability to express your needs, desires and boundaries during sexual activities. It involves being open and ... | |
Physical separation - When the couple ends physical contact and moves away from each other, it can signal the end of the sexual experience. | |
17. aftermath and aftercare
Prerequisites / Comments
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Hugging - "Hugging" after sex and intimate play is about creating an emotional connection and comfort. Hugging can be an intimate gesture, they... | |
Spooning - "Spooning" means that two people lie close together after a sexual activity. This position implies that one person is lying... | |
Caressing and cuddling - After the game is over, caressing and cuddling can create an intimate and loving atmosphere between you and your partner. It's about showing care and love... | |
Speaking - After an intense and intimate experience, it's common to feel the need to talk and share thoughts and feelings with your partner. The ability to express yourself... | |
Giving compliments - Complimenting during and after sex and intimate play is about acknowledging and appreciating your partner's beauty, attractiveness and sexual performance. | |
Drinking water and eating snacks - After an intense and emotional moment, it can be nice to get back to grounding and nourishing actions. Drinking water and eating snacks can be ... | |
Taking a bath or shower together - Taking a bath or shower together can be an intimacy-enhancing and relaxing activity after a passionate time together. The warmth and comfort of the water... | |
Massaging each other - Giving and receiving relaxing and soothing massages to help loosen muscles and reduce tension. One of the main benefits of relaxation... | |
Taking a break and sleeping - After an intense and exhilarating session, it's only natural to need a break and a good nap. Taking time to rest and sleep after play... | |
Sleeping - Resting and sleeping together after sexual activities can strengthen the bond between partners and provide a sense of safety and intimacy. It is important to ... | |
18. all activity stops immediately if
Prerequisites / Comments
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Using a safeword - If one partner uses an agreed safeword, all activity should stop immediately to ensure both partners feel safe and respected. S... | |
Injuries - If one or both partners are physically injured during sex, the activity should be stopped to assess the injury and provide the necessary care. | |
Discomfort / unwanted pain - If one or both partners are experiencing severe discomfort or unwanted pain, physical or mental, sex should be stopped in order to address the problem and ... | |
Lack of consent - "Lack of consent" refers to a situation where a person does not agree to participate in sexual activities. It is important to remember... | |
Emotional distress - If one or both partners are experiencing intense emotional distress or anxiety, the activity should be stopped to provide support and care. | |
Unexpected illness - All activity stops immediately if either you or your partner falls ill or shows signs of illness. It can be tempting to get carried away with... | |
Unsatisfactory performance - If one or both partners feel that sex isn't satisfying or isn't going as expected, it may be necessary to stop and communicate... | |
Unwanted bystanders - If the couple discovers that someone is watching them without their consent, it may be necessary to stop the activity and protect their privacy. | |
Dangerous situations - If a sudden danger occurs, such as a fire, all activity should be stopped to ensure the safety of everyone involved. | |
0. Initiating sex
Prerequisites / Comments
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Deep conversation - Deep conversations can create a sense of openness, understanding and intimacy that can be incredibly attractive and arousing. When you feel understood... | |
Romantic dinner - Create a homemade dinner with candles and soft music, which can create a romantic atmosphere and set the scene for intimacy. Creating a homemade dinner... | |
Home spa day - Surprise your partner with a day dedicated to relaxation and body care, including massage, which can be a sensual experience. To organize a home... | |
Create atmosphere - Dim the lights, turn on soft music and create a relaxed and intimate atmosphere in your home. The atmosphere in a room can have a big impact on intimacy and... | |
Intimate dance - Intimate dance - Start a slow dance in the living room, close to each other. | |
Small discreet touches - Make small, intimate touches throughout the day that can build up to greater desire. Small, discreet touches can be an excellent prelude to intimacy... | |
Flirty messages - Send your partner loving and flirty messages throughout the day. Sending flirty messages to your partner throughout the day can be a great way to start... | |
Time without distractions - Set aside time just for the two of you, without any distractions. Setting aside time just the two of you, without any distractions, can be a great introduction to intimacy... | |
Ask directly - Ask directly - Ask your partner directly if they want to be intimate. Asking your partner directly about their desire for intimacy or sex... | |
Use body language - Use body language like a passionate kiss or an intimate touch to show your partner that you want to be intimate. This presentation can be a... | |
Share fantasies - Share a fantasy or new idea you'd like to explore together. A good approach to intimacy or sex can be to share a fantasy or a new idea that... | |
Sensual touch - Sensual touch - Use sensual and direct touch to indicate your desire for intimacy Using sensual and direct touch can be a... | |
Share your attraction to the other - Tell your partner how attracted you are to them and how much you want them. Telling your partner how attracted you are to them and how much you... | |
Erotic toys as an indicator - Present an erotic toy or other accessory that you would like to use together. This presentation for intimacy or sex is all about introducing... | |
Sexual compliment - Give your partner a compliment that is sexually charged. A sexual compliment can be an effective way to create intimacy and increase sexual tension... | |
Create an invitation - Show your desire by wearing something sexy or by leaving a note indicating your intentions. This can be a great prelude to intimacy... | |
Flirt - Using flirting as a prelude to intimacy and sex with a partner. Flirting is a common and natural part of human interaction and can be an exciting... | |
Polarity - Polarity refers to the different energies between the masculine and feminine in a relationship. These energies can create a deeper connection, increase... | |